Α. Collection of materials

Leathers that undergo a special vegetable tanning process from the best Italian tanneries, integrated in Italy’s biggest consortium “Pelle Vegetale”, tested by Swiss workshops, free from azo dyes and other harmful substances to humans.
Metallic parts, buckles, ornaments, nickel free studs from European fashion houses, designed according to the customer’s standards.

Β. Design

The designers’ department realizes the customer’s designs (private label), ranging from a simple designing programme to manufacturing metallic parts, prints, pyrographies and general designs.
Our specialized designers develop twelve collections a year on women’s accessories and four collections on men and children for our company, while a number of designs from our collection can be granted exclusively and with low minimums.

C. Production

Production is carried out with modern machinery by specialized technicians. Maturations, washings and the final design are realized entirely with our handmade methods so that each article is unique and differentiated from competition.

D. Control

The level of quality is defined by high standards, while a special department controls the production piece by piece by repairing or rejecting and aiming at delivering a perfect product to the customer.

Ε. Packaging

The private-label products are packaged according to the customer’s preferences and special labels are placed on each product regarding the composition, the instructions of use and the client’s logo.

F. Shipping

Grouped palettes or cardboard boxes are sent with or without insurance coverage for the client at the most affordable prices using the biggest transportation companies worldwide.